Monthly Archives: August 2015

Are You Opening To A NEW PARADIGM?

Book Salon at Malaprop’s

We have been grateful to introduce our Messages to the Heart book salon at Malaprops Books & Cafe in Asheville, NC.  We have led two salons so far. The discussion, participation has been rich and vibrant.  Starting with the first chapter of the book, Reflections on Following your Heart, we talked about Letting Go, Forgiveness, Surrender and Truth.  What we have loved are the nuances others have picked up on. Looking at one of the art images, someone shared an observation that “a peek of light in a turbulent sky signified a new way to look at personal challenge.” There was a comfort in knowing that this light was always there trying to make its way through.

A New Paradigm

At the last salon, we discussed one of the passages that we believe is calling on us collectively. The passage, Surrender speaks to letting go of old notions of control to make way for a NEW PARADIGM that has been waiting for us to embrace.  The passage joined with Elise Okrend’s original pastel painting, Mountain Light is below. As you read the words and look at the art,  see how the words and image speak to you.

When you surrender to the calling of your soul, there is a relief as you let go of control. When the ego no longer calls the shots, the only thing that matters is trust, belief, faith, love. We are at the point when control over others, control to get money, possessions, status has been fully played out and leaves you feeling alone, in a battle. That way is tiresome, old and exhausting. The new paradigm, and it has always been at the core of you, is trust coming through and through. No fighting, no games, no manipulation, no impatience.  Just a calm knowing of your unique talents and using them to uplift others, to heal, to inspire, to give.  It is filled with a patience that it will all work out and each moment becomes alive with these things.


Mountain Light, Original Pastel by Elise Okrend,

Do you want to go deeper, have a dialogue, contemplate what is possible in your life, in the world? If you are in Asheviille, or plan to visit this fall, please join us at one of our book salons. We meet every other Wednesday through the end of October at Malaprops Books & Cafe from 5-6p.m. We welcome your presence and participation. Also, we would love your feedback on this blog. Please feel free to add  your comments below. We look forward to connecting with you.

Phil & Elise Okrend

You can order the book, Messages to the Heart, Reflections of Beauty and Truth through our web site , the retail stores listed there including Malaprops, or on

To learn about Phil’s Life Coaching services, visit his page at the Messages to the Heart Website!

alli marshall